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Being an entrepreneur can be a real juggling act. If you aren’t always trying to improve your productivity, it’s just a matter of time before all those balls come crashing down.

We need to subtract some for eating, sleeping, commuting and simply living day-to-day lives — the time left for entrepreneurial tasks is rarely enough. But, there is an approach to maximize that time, and it includes working smarter — not harder.

Let’s find out the top seven tips for improving your productivity as a busy entrepreneur:

Utilize Time Blocks – Know When You’re Most Productive

  • If you’re struggling with concentrating on or organizing tasks, time blocks might be the appropriate answer.

  • These are mini blocks of planned time throughout your day (ie: Answer emails, 10:10 – 10:30 am). During each block, you concentrate on one very explicit task and ignore everything else. This lets you maximize efficiency and guarantees that you cross off all the priority items for the day.

  • For example, You might be the most productive in the mornings, or for some evening time works best.

Use a Learning Management System (LMS)

  • We have to bring learning to individuals rather than individuals to learning.” – Elliot Masie

  • Productive and successful individuals never stop learning. Continuous learning and research are urgent to keeping awake to-date with the latest market and technology trends. A culture of learning drives profitability. Luckily, there are many eLearning options available for entrepreneurs and business owners who need to improve their skills.

  • For their teams, there are also many learning management systems that give training programs. By using an LMS, progress and performance can be estimated. Be sure that the correct LMS platform will support the organization’s productivity in the long run.

Take Breaks

  • There is righteousness in work and there is a virtue in rest. Utilize both and overlook neither.” – Alan Cohen

  • Taking breaks increases productivity. They are an opportunity to re-focus. There are many ways to spend your breaks yet it’s significant that the activity gives you energy.

  • For some individuals, this could be some physical activity or eating a sound tidbit. For others, it could be socializing or meditating. So whenever you feel unproductive, stop what you’re doing and recharge yourself!

Take Advantage of Technology

  • There are many factors that affect productivity such as your attitude, sleeping hours, health habits, stress, miscommunication, time and task management.

  • Fortunately, you can take advantage of technology. There are so many applications available to increase your productivity and productivity for you, your business and teams.

  • Here are a couple of examples:

  • For you

    • Calm: a meditation app. Meditation helps to decrease stress, making you more productive.

    • Sleep Time: a sleeping control app. An absence of sleep affects your health. If you don’t rest enough you won’t be able to concentrate properly.

    • MyFitnessPal: an app to track what you eat. Healthy food, healthy mind.

  • For your business and teams

    • Slack: A project management software that improves communication between your teams. Miscommunication implies inefficiency.

    • Sendtask: A task management tool will enable you to organize, plan, and deal with your workload effectively.

    • Google Drive: An “all in one place” tool. With Google Drive, you can improve your association, communication, and your group’s efficiency

    • Builderfly: A SaaS ecommerce platform to manage your overall ecommerce business from scratch.

Don’t Multitask

  • Your days are inexplicably busy. Whenever possible, avoid multitasking and sharpen your focus on the job at hand.

  • When you’re being pulled in a hundred directions day-by-day, it’s easy to skip from the task. However, this is inefficient — jobs are left open and incomplete, or mistakes are made due to a simple oversight. Staying focused on one task until completion ensures that they’re crossed off and done to the fullest potential.

Remind yourself of the “Why” Behind your Business

  • Motivate yourself and motivate others frequently. Reminding yourself of the reason you began your business can give a considerable lift to your personal and team morale. Consider the clients you help and how you make their lives simpler.

  • Whatever you do, there are different people who are in an ideal situation because of your organization. The more you and your team consider this, the greater the impact on your productivity levels.

Cultivate Self-Discipline

  • Self-discipline is crucial to reaching your goals. Without self-control, you cannot stay focused. Build up a clear plan, remain consistent, and don’t let go of your dreams. The benefit of cultivating self-discipline will be reflected in your levels of productivity doubtlessly!

  • Here are some useful tips on the best way to do it:

    • Set detailed and clear goals

    • Reward yourself for a job well done

    • Get rid of temptations and distractions

    • Create accountability by sharing your goals with someone who will make sure you stick to them

When you’re an entrepreneur, it’s anything but difficult to be “on” consistently. However, this can smother your creative flow and affect your viability. Take time to consistently decompress – your mind (and business) will much be obliged.

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